Explain concepts. Make your brand move. With motion design.

We do art direction, design, illustration and then we make it move. Add a good track with compelling copy and the applications are endless.

So when you need to…
Launch a product, freshen up a brand, tell a story, introduce a logo, explain a concept or anything else you can think of…

Get in touch.

Ways of working. A fine balance.

Our ways of working are not set in stone.
We adapt; to find the right balance for every situation, every project, every person involved. Being so flexible is only possible because of the solid foundations we sit upon. Caring, empathy, humanity, joy. These are our building blocks.
They are set in stone.

A sweet, funky, colourful bunch.

A rainbow mix of personalities and expertise. Here is what each of us has to say... All that’s missing to make the picture complete is you, and your project of course.

And the people that like to hang out with us. We surround ourselves with the very best animators, to build the perfect team for each project.

Xavier Monney: designer / Catherine Pearson: editorial & commercial illustrator / Clim Studio: designer & art director / Miriam Palopoli: animator & motion designer / Alexandre Maye: motion designer / Part One: directing duo / Get it studio: animators & art directors.